Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Whether you celebrate Thanksgiving or not, I hope you’re all having a wonderful time where ever you are! I usually take this time to reflect and think about the things I’m thankful for and not just because it’s Thanksgiving here in the states but because its getting closer to the end of […]
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Six Spicy Turkey Recipes To Perk Up Your Thanksgiving
Have you decided on how you’re going to make your turkey for Thanksgiving? You might already have your tried and true recipe that’s been in the family for years but if you want to try something different check out these spicy turkey recipes! I love a flavorful and juicy turkey and these recipes will be […]
Blackout Special Series: Prepping for a Power Outage
Nothing’s worse than being unprepared when you’re faced with a power outage. Sure you need stock up on batteries, candles, non-perishable foods like canned goods, jerky, hot sauce 😉 and water, you know, the essentials. However, there’s so much more you can do to prepare for a potential power outage! Here are a few tips […]
Blackout Special Series: Spicy Curried Plantain Mash and BBQ Ribs
So hurricane Sandy knocked us around a little, actually a lot, I had no power in my neighborhood for about eight days but that didn’t stop me from cooking. Not sure if it was out of shear boredom or the fact that the meat in my refrigerator was very slowly defrosting but I was a […]
Crossing the Lake District in Patagonia to Bariloche
We left Puerto Varas, Chile early one morning to begin our full day journey through the Andes mountains to get over to the Argentinian side. I was hoping to stay in Puerto Varas for a couple more days to really enjoy this beautiful village. I guess this means I’ll have to come back! There was […]
Arriving In Patagonia With Food On My Mind
After leaving Santiago, Chile we headed south to the northern part of the Chilean Patagonia. Patagonia spans across Chile and Argentina with the Andes being part of the continental divide. I also learned that Patagonia means the land of big feet, actually it was the name given to the region because the natives in the […]