Here’s an easy hot and spicy stew chicken recipe that will get the juices flowing. It’s inspired by typical Dominican pollo guisado or stewed chicken but with very intense spicy flavors of ghost and chipotle peppers. The chipotle sauce I used adds smokiness to the dish and the ghost pepper brings the heat. I used […]
Pickled Jalapeno Peppers
I just got back from a week long vacation but before heading out I made this quick pickled jalapeno peppers. There’s always so much to do right before you leave on a trip! The night before I noticed a pound bag of ripening jalapenos peppers and there was no way I was letting them go […]
Great Spicy Finds At The Chile Pepper Festival
I made it out to the Brooklyn Botanic Gardens this past weekend and came away with a few great spicy finds at their annual Chile Pepper Festival. It was an awesome event with plenty of spicy products to sample, live music, food, beer and all within the beautiful grounds of the Brooklyn Botanic Gardens. It’s […]
Spicy Kale and Egg Whites Scramble
I’ve been on a healthy kick lately and made this spicy kale and egg whites scramble. To my surprise it was very filling even without bread! I’ve been detoxing now for a couple of weeks trying to get rid of some Summer fat! I usually eat healthy but kind of let loose this Summer and […]
Homemade Bajan Style Pepper Sauce
I clearly remember the trip I took to Barbados about 10 years ago, and everyday woke to the sounds of the ocean, groggy with sleep from partying the night before and in desperate need of coffee and food. We stayed in a time share apartment right on the beach and although we had a kitchen […]
Light and Crispy Spicy Tortilla Pizzas
As you know I picked up a few fatalii peppers recently and here is what I made, light and crispy spicy tortilla pizzas! Ok, no real cooking involved but it’s a great way to enjoy these powerful peppers and they areĀ super quick and easy to make. I find that the best way to get […]