July is National Ice Cream month and to celebrate I made a spicy coconut ginger ice cream. Actually, I’ve been celebrating national ice cream month since May when the temperatures started to rise here in the Northeast but who is counting? This ice cream has fresh pieces of ginger to give it a nice bite […]
Ghost Pepper Tamarind Granita
One of the easiest and most refreshing summers treats, next to the popsicle of course, is the snow cone. In Dominican Republic we call them frio frio, which just translates to “cold, cold”. I always imagined someone getting a really bad brain freeze and yelling “ay frio! frio!” and the name just stuck. Ha! Well […]
The Holiday Post That Wasn’t…
Hi all, so sorry I’ve been gone for so long! This heat wave has been unbearable and thank goodness the heat is finally starting to break! I’ve been on a popsicle diet since the 4th…kiddin’…but seriously, it’s been so hot that the last thing I wanted to do was turn on stove or oven. I […]
Easy Sunday Morning Pick Me Up
Sometimes a bowl of fruit is all you can get yourself to make on a Sunday morning. There are days when you just don’t want to fuss with much but need the energy to get you going. On those days a bowl of mangoes sprinkled with a little chile pepper spice is enough to fill […]
Summer in May: Spicy Ice Pops to Cool You Off
We’ve had great weather here the past few weekends and feels like summer is trying to make an early entrance. This weather just makes me feel like bringing out my summer dresses and tank tops I stashed away for the winter. It also makes me crave more ice cream….actually, ice pops. So here’s to Summer […]
Santa likes spicy cookies too: Garam Masala Gingerbread
I love baking during this time of year, the house is warm and toasty and smells great, especially after baking a batch gingerbread cookies. Gingerbread screams Christmas time, from the proverbial gingerbread house to the cutesy gingerbread man, the smell of ginger and cinnamon spices evokes Christmas. I must admit however that elaborate cookies or […]