Freaking out over the possible sriracha shortage? No worries, there are plenty of sriracha products out there you can try until Huy Fong Sriracha makers resolve their issues with the Health Department. First they were shutdown because of odor complaints near their facilities in southern California now they’re in violation of health codes.
I can just imagine what living in that area must be like, I too suffered through the perils of making hot sauce when I made my own recently. I looked like I was starring in some post nuclear meltdown scene; gloves, goggles, head wrap, bandanna covering face…but the results were amazing!

The Huy Fong plant seems to be working through their issues but in the meantime, here is a comprehensive review of mostly all the sriracha’s out there from the folks over at Sriracha for Breakfast! Oh, you thought there was just one? Well there are plenty sriracha products out there and some even better tasting than the red rooster. Also, for all you sriracha fanatics, not judging ;-), make sure you visit the Sriracha for Breakfast Facebook page as well for all things sriracha.
We didn’t know about the sriracha scandal!! Where is Olivia Pope when you need her…
lol yes girl, scandal it is!