Ghost Pepper Tamarind Granita

One of the easiest and most refreshing summers treats, next to the popsicle of course, is the snow cone. In Dominican Republic we call them frio frio, which just translates to “cold, cold”. I always imagined someone getting a really bad brain freeze and yelling “ay frio! frio!” and the name just stuck. Ha! Well like the snow cones and “piraguas” as they’re called in Puerto Rico, the ice is shaved first and a juice concoction is poured over it. I made this one using the granita method, a tribute to Italy, one of my other favorite places. Granitas mixed first, frozen and scraped with a fork to form ice crystals. Surprise your guests at your next party with this spicy and sweet ghost pepper tamarind granita.

I have to tell you, when I first made this I used way too much ghost pepper because I yelled out HOT DAMN! …instead of frio frio. It burns so good and the sweet & sour tamarind will make you pucker up. A little pain and good flavor helps release some wonderful endorphins too. You can alter the recipe to your tastes and try adding a slice or two of pepper first to test your limits and see what you can tolerate. If it’s not hot enough, add more pepper slices. It’s really about what works for you since everyone’s palate is different so taste, taste, taste your food.

The ghost pepper does give the granita a nice flavor. It is similar to the habanero’s citrus flavor but 3-4 times hotter and should be used in moderation and handled carefully. So baby steps folks and seriously, take it easy with ghost peppers and use gloves when handling. Whatever you do, do not rub your eyes!! I’ve done this with milder peppers and it’s not pretty.  Last year the Ghost Pepper was knocked out of first place for being the hottest chile in the world and now second to the Trinidad Moruga Scorpion pepper but that doesn’t mean it’s lost it’s heat.

This recipe is the modified version but if you’re feeling lucky or adventurous then add some more slices. Want to  try other Summer treats? Try a this spicy chipotle chocolate s’mores ice cream or this ginger coconut ice cream.

Ghost Tamarind Granita
1/2 cup tamarind pulp
1 ghost pepper, use 2-3 thin slices only
1 cup water
2 tbsp agave syrup

1. Heat up the tamarind and the pepper in a small saucepan. Mash up the pepper with the tamarind so it breaks up well.

2. Add the water and agave syrup to sweeten. Taste mixture to make sure its sweet enough for you and has good spice level. Tamarind is very sour so you can adjust the sweetness of the granita as a matter of preference.

3. Bring mixture to a boil and remove from stove to let it cool. Strain the mixture. Sometimes you’ll find pieces of seeds in tamarind pulp so make sure you get rid of those. Add the mixture to a shallow dish and place in freezer for an hour.

4. Remove from freezer and scape frozen juice with fork until small crystals form. If not completely frozen, freeze for another hour or until frozen and scrape again.

5. Spoon into cups and serve.


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